How are we doing?
As Governors we are passionate about what we do and welcome feedback and suggestions from parents, pupils, staff and the community to guide us. We shall maintain close links with the school community to help the school continue to be successful.
Parents are invited to access the school website via “Governors” to obtain further information about who we are and the meetings held recently.
If anybody is interested in becoming a Governor please contact the school office.
At our Full Governors meeting on 9th October, we agreed the following priorities:
- Academisation, to provide robust due diligence, support and transition to a Local Governing Board.
- To maintain a close and continuous oversight of all school priorities to ensure that targets and success criteria are met.
- To recruit new Governors, including a Parent Governor.
- To ensure Governor training and opportunities are in place to enable personal development, succession planning and to ensure the fulfilment of Governor responsibilities.
- To further enhance Governor engagement and visibility with staff, parents and pupils.
- In addition to our school priorities focus, we shall continue to pay close attention to a number of key areas, including School Curriculum, Staff Well-Being, School Finance, Early Years (including Phonics), Equality and inclusion, Safeguarding, SEN/D, Pupil and Sports Premium.
It is also hoped that some Governors shall be attending Parents Consultation evenings in November, providing an opportunity for us to meet parents. However, if at any time you wish to contact me, please inform the School office.
Please keep safe and well.
Please note the next update will be in the Spring Term 2025.
Jason Bates
Chair of Governors
Autumn Term 2024