Dalton School Junior Infant And Nursery

From little acorns, mighty oaks will grow

Mayfield Avenue, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD5 9HN
Contact: Mrs H Valentine (Office Manager)

01484 538729


How are we doing?


As Governors we are passionate about what we do and welcome feedback and suggestions from parents, pupils, staff and the community to guide us.  We shall maintain close links with the school community to help the school continue to be successful.

Parents are invited to access the school web site via “Governors” to obtain further information about who we are and the meetings held recently.

During the Autumn and Spring half-terms, as planned, we have:

  • Continued to maintain a close and continuous oversight of curriculum development, implementation and impact, with excellent presentations provided by Nicole Wilkinson on Writing, and Ian Richardson on British Values. Both presentations can be found on the school web site.

    Presentations on Reading, Mathematics and Curriculum implementation and impact are scheduled for the rest of the year. 

  •  Strengthened our Governorship with Emma Woodward (an existing Co-opted Governor) taking on the additional role of  Vice Chair.

    Over the coming months we also hope to introduce a Parent and Co-opted Governor to our team.
  • We have undertaken a number of focussed reviews/discussions in school including: Early Years, Equality & Inclusion, Staff Wellbeing, Safeguarding, SEN/D, Pupil and Sports Premium.  These reviews have confirmed that the school continues to provide a positive and nurturing environment for pupils as well as adhering to mandatory external requirements.

For the rest of this term our Governors will continue to focus on the Curriculum, Early Years, Safeguarding, SEN/D, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Finance, Health & Safety, and additional areas such as Pupil Behaviour (including attendance) and Staff Wellbeing.

In addition, following Academisation approval, we shall become more involved in the set-up of the new Trust, especially the Local Governing Board arrangements for Dalton School.

Please keep safe and well.

Please note the next update will be in the Summer Term.


Jason Bates

Chair of Governors

Spring Term 2025